Craig first learned of installing fabric on the walls while working at a local drapery company in Sacramento, CA. in 1982. After moving on and doing a tour in the U.S. Navy Seabees and traveling the world, he came home and still had a yearning to create the most user friendly Fabric wall finishing system available to all. Little did he know then that his desire to simply do bedrooms and small office walls would lead to something bigger at the time. With lots of hard work and many great people along the way, things grew over the years. After expanding from small residential projects to much larger commercial and education projects, things grew at a rapid pace. Since then Fabricmate Systems has grown to become the go-to global supplier and educator of fabric wall finishing systems to many around the world.
Here Craig is working away on a Fabric systems sample in his small garage in the early days of 1988. Every since, Fabricmate has been working hard to make the best stretched-fabric wall systems available to make your living, learning and working environments, a little more enjoyable world-wide. Although our products can now be found in numerous fortune 500 companies and major projects worldwide, they are still installed in many bedrooms and small offices around the world , staying close to our roots.
Being a Solutions Company, our products have taken on a wide range of solutions that are aesthetically pleasing, acoustical, tackable, magnetically receptive, and thermally insulative. Our Fabric Wall Systems are engineered for ease of installation, which means a short learning curve, quick installation time, and unparalleled support.
CEO: Craig Lanuza
YEAR: 1988
WHERE: Home garage - Ventura, CA