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Videos Gallery  31/10/2023

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Two Inch (Full Line) Recore (4x8)

Our most common recore backing for recording studios.

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Fabricmate - General Overview (Widescreen) Presentation
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General Overview of our system, how it works, functionality, and benefits of our offerings.

Intro Flyer - General

General Overview of the Fabricmate Wall Finishing System 

The Fabricmate Guarantee - Flyer
Brochures & Catalog
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Fabricmate® General Product Brochure
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This brochure provides a general overview of Fabricmate's Wall Finishing Products line.

Fabricmate Education Brochure
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This brochure details the benefits of using Fabricmate's Wall Finishing System in school and university settings.

Fabricmate® 2020 Product Catalog
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Informational catalog showcasing Fabricmate's complete line of Wall Finishing Products and Solutions.

Instructional Guides
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Impaling Pins - Installation Instructions
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How to use Impaling Pins when installing Raw (uncovered) ReCore®

Impaling Clip Direct Apply Instructions
How to Determine Your Time & Material Requirements
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Guide on best practices on measuring how much of each parts you need for your project. Also includes how to approximate completion time for your project.

Frame Cut Sheets
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Two Inch (Full Line) Recore (4x8)
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Our most common recore backing for recording studios.

ReCore® Brochure
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This brochure showcases our ReCore® line of innovative and versatile Acoustical & Tackable backings that work alone or in conjunction with our Fabric Wall Finishing System.

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Quarter-Inch (Slim-Line) Systems - Cut Sheet
Half-Inch (Classic-Line) Systems - Cut Sheet
One-Inch (Full-Line) Systems - Cut Sheet

Here you will find information about all of our product offerings including Brochures, Catalog, Datasheets and Instructional Guides. We are always adding more content so please check back often to get the latest product information.