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We strive to use materials that come from our sustainable resources and are recyclable 
Graphic print on bedroom wall


At Fabricmate® we understand and share the concerns about people and the planet we live on. Our manufacturing processes are safe and ecologically responsible. Our materials come from sustainable resources. We use post-consumer content as often as possible and we are proud to say that our products are VOC free.

Unlike pre-wrapped panels which are edge-treated to develop modest durability and have their covering permanently glued to the substrate, the Fabrimate® system incorporates a high-impact framework which frames the panels, rendering their edges virtually crush-proof. Another advantage of our frame is that it permits the selected covering to be easily inserted into the hidden, tight-fitting jaws which hold the fabric taut, allowing the fabric to "float" above the surface of the panel. This eliminates almost all of the visible surface damage that invariably occurs in pre-wrapped panels. Most of the fabrics we offer have 100% recycled content and they themselves can be recycled.

    Using recycled polyester lessens our dependence on petroleum as a raw material source. It curbs discards, thereby prolonging landfill life and reducing toxic emissions from incinerators. It helps promote new recycling streams for polyester clothing that is no longer wearable. It also results in less air, water, and soil contamination compared to using non-recycled polyester. 

    Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOC's include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short and long term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOC's are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. VOC's are emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands. Examples include: paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials and furnishings, office equipment such as copiers and printers, correction fluids and carbonless copy paper, graphics and craft materials including glues and adhesives, permanent markers, and photographic solutions. 
    ReCore® has zero VOC's. Unlike other products that may use chemicals with VOC's, ReCore®  is completely safe in enclosed environments.

    The compacted non-woven polyester mesh that makes up ReCore ®  is naturally resistant to insects, spores and bacteria. It provides little room for insects to hide and has zero nutritional value for them giving even less incentive for them to try and make it their home. Because polyester is anti-microbial and non-hygroscopic it is used in a wide variety of fields where safety is of the utmost concern. Hospitals provide hypo-allergenic polyester bedding to patients and have started using it in their staff clothing to help reduce the spread of bug-born infections. The safest form of plastic food storage is in PET plastic, which is a type of polyester.

    Using post-consumer recycled polyester lessens our dependence on petroleum as a raw material source. It curbs discards, thereby prolonging landfill life and reducing toxic emissions from incinerators. It helps promote new recycling streams for polyester clothing that is no longer wearable. It also results in less air, water, and soil contamination compared to using non-recycled polyester. All those discarded bottles of water and bits of plastic packaging are not taking up space in landfills. They are being recycled, reused, and reconstituted into something far more useful.


    You don't have to sacrifice aesthetics or functionality to make the environmentally conscious choice. We make it easy to be green through sensible sustainability.


    We pay particular attention to safety and environmental issues such as sustainability, longevity, LEED ratings, VOC's and flammability. Our Wall Finishing Systems are safe, long-lasting, and are designed to improve our quality of life in the immediate and long-term. Besides being safe and environmentally friendly, it can also help thermally insulate your spaces which can lower heating and cooling costs while reducing the building's carbon footprint.


    With it's long life span and zero VOC emissions, our Wall Finishing Systems will help both the end user and the environment. Constant repainting or replacing of wrapped panels is not only expensive and wasteful, it's time consuming and inconvenient. Our Wall Finishing Systems virtually eliminate the need for repainting and wall maintenance. 

    Made from post-consumer recycled materials from sustainable sources, our systems do not use glue or other adhesives. 


    Choosing environmentally responsible products, achieving sustainability, and earning LEED credits starts in the planning stage when decisions are made.  You don't always have the same options later in the project. 
    Sustainability and environmental choices start in the planning stages when decisions are made. This can be the most important time to decide the conceptual use of the products and amounts needed to achieve your desired final look and function. We look forward to assisting with these decisions. 


    Our belief is to use only what is necessary, whether it be recommending a smaller amount of coverage, a changed layout, or a recycled product that can achieve the desired result. "Green" is not just a color but a conscious awareness of our choices. Through this awareness, manufacturers, architects, designers, contractors, and end-users can all make a difference. 


    Don't hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.