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It is Highly recommended to purchase a sample of the actual finished look and application you have in mind  for your project. These Samples will come assembled  8 1/2"x 11" in size and represent the finished look.  You will get the see, touch and feel the Fabric mounting frames, Fabrics and the backings.  You will also be able to remove the fabrics and  re-apply (if you have the install tools) or test out the Customer supplied fabrics for compatibility with your desired Fabric mounting frame. As we say at Fabricmate, "Lets Get It Right the First Time"  and by purchasing and testing the desired finish samples you can better determine the suitability for your project. Avoid Costly Mistakes by Putting the actual samples in you and your customers hands. 

Fabricmate® Product Offering Kit
89.00 89.00 89.00 89.0 USD

Sample of Wall Protection - Use Your Own Fabric with ReCore® Backing
16.49 16.49 16.49 16.490000000000002 USD

Sample of Wall Protection - Tango Fabric with ReCore® Backing
16.49 16.49 16.49 16.490000000000002 USD

Sample of Wall Protection - Parallel Fabric with ReCore® Backing
16.49 16.49 16.49 16.490000000000002 USD

Sample of Wall Protection - Motif Fabric with ReCore® Backing
16.49 16.49 16.49 16.490000000000002 USD

Sample of Tackable & Acoustical - Tango Fabric with ReCore® Backing
18.49 18.49 18.49 18.490000000000002 USD

Sample of Tackable & Acoustical - Motif Fabric with ReCore® Backing
18.49 18.49 18.49 18.490000000000002 USD