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Videos Gallery  08/13/2022

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Section 09 84 14 - 0.5 in. Acoustical - Beveled Edge, Low Density Core 4.5 pcf - District Standard

District Standard CSI Spec for 1/2" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Beveled Edge profile and Low Density (4.5 PCF) Core.

Classic-Line® 1/2 inch
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Section 09 84 14 - 0.5 in. Acoustical - Beveled Edge, Low Density Core 4.5 pcf - District Standard

District Standard CSI Spec for 1/2" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Beveled Edge profile and Low Density (4.5 PCF) Core.

Section 09 84 14 - 0.5 in. Acoustical - Beveled Edge, Low Density Core 4.5 pcf

CSI Spec for 1/2" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Beveled Edge profile and Low Density (4.5 PCF) Core.

Section 09 84 14 - 0.5 in. Acoustical - Square Edge, Low Density Core 4.5 pcf - District Standard

District Standard CSI Spec for 1/2" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Square Edge profile and Low Density (4.5 PCF) Core.

Section 09 84 14 - 0.5 in. Acoustical - Square Edge, Low Density Core 4.5 pcf

CSI Spec for 1/2" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Square Edge profile and Low Density (4.5 PCF) Core.

Full-Line® 1 inch
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Section 09 84 14 - 1 in. Acoustical - Beveled Edge, Low Density Core 3.0 pcf - District Standard

District Standard CSI Spec for 1" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Beveled Edge profile and Low Density (3.0 PCF) Core.

Section 09 84 14 - 1 in. Acoustical - Beveled Edge, Low Density Core 3.0 pcf

CSI Spec for 1" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Beveled Edge profile and Low Density (3.0 PCF) Core.

Section 09 84 14 - 1 in. Acoustical - Square Edge, Low Density Core 3.0 pcf - District Standard

District Standard CSI Spec for 1" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Square Edge profile and Low Density (3.0 PCF) Core.

Section 09 84 14 - 1 in. Acoustical - Square Edge, Low Density Core 3.0 pcf

CSI Spec for 1" Site-Fabricated Acoustical Wall System with Square Edge profile and Low Density (3.0 PCF) Core.

Max-Line® 2 inch+
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Section 09 84 00 - 2 in. Low Density (3.0 pcf) Acoustical Wall Treatment - Exposed ReCore

CSI Spec for 2" Acoustical Wall Treatment using 2" Low Density (3.0 PCF) Exposed ReCore®.

Downloadable CSI Specifications for Fabricmate products that can be incorporated into your project specs.